I just realized it's been awhile since you all have heard from us. Not much really to report except I am huge! The outfit I am wearing with the white and blue stripes no longer fits me, that was about 2 weeks ago. I had to get bigger pants just this past weekend. Madison is very active despite there being no room for her in my tummy. Eating is becoming a real challenge. My mouth is willing to put it in, but there is no room in my belly for it once it's there!!! I never knew how hard it is for a pregnant woman to bend over. . .I have almost given up tying my own shoes and taking them off is nearly impossible. I am at the 10 week mark starting today. It's literally like I woke up overnight and had grown several inches!
Tony and I decided to paint the babies room after all, we started that today. I will post some pictures once the project is complete. It should be really cute, we decided to go with a pink poodle theme. I can't wait to see Tony with a pink stroller, now that's what I call HOT!
The pets are getting very antsy too. They are all wondering why they can't lay all over me anymore. I get the feeling like they will be happy when my belly goes back down. I must say I will be happy too but sad to not feel Madison moving inside me.
Well I will post more as the news unfolds or gets bigger!
Erin and Madison