Yesterday there was a large package on our front door step and it had Madison's name on it! Her Gammy sent her an early Birthday Present. So I called my mom and asked if she wanted me to save it until July for her actual birthday. She told me to go ahead and let her play with it and take lots of pictures for her to see. We opened the box and it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen; besides my most adorable baby in the world ! I let her touch it and then when I put her on it, she was like Oh My Goodness this is so much fun. She would shake her legs to try and make it "work". I had to hold onto her and make it rock at the same time. Looks like I will have toned arms if we play with this everyday. Thanks to Mom for the gift and Madison for the extra workout!
As usual all my family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers, may God continue to bless you everyday in everyway. . . . .
Much Love from our little corner of the world,
Erin Davis