Wednesday's I take Madison to playgroup on base, and it's great; but not at a great time. They usually have it from 10-Noon. Her naptime is right in the middle. I also use this day as my "day off" from working out. Today they announced that they will be having two sessions on Wednesdays, which is exciting because it will be in the afternoon. YEA!!!! We can have our nap and not be grouchy and have to leave! Today was not only special for our weekly playgroup, but in addition the base put on an Egg Hunt. Tony made it home from work in time to join us for the fun. . . .I love it when he can participate in these sweet moments of Madison's life. Madison had a great time picking up the eggs, but as can be expected the "hunt" was over in matter of seconds. Even for her age group, 0-4, the kids scooped 'em all up in the blink of an eye. Tony and our friend Jason said afterward that one of the parents was out in the field scooping up as many eggs as she could! I was pissed about that. Everyone knows that egghunts are for the kids; you can help your kid without doing it for them. If your kid is too young then I can see one or two, even three, but when you have a full basket and other kids only got to pick up one~ You're Wrong for That! We later saw her eating a giant cupcake and counting her eggs; apparently she didn't realize that the sign posted for 0-4 meant your age.....ugh I could go on and on about this. Madison had a great time despite having eggs taken out from under her by an adult. She came out with 4 eggs in all, which is impressive with how many kids there were. I am happy to report she picked them all up on her own too! She enjoyed opening all the eggs and seeing what was inside ~"cannnny" aka Candy. At 5 O'clock everyday they fire off a tank at the parade field; so we stuck around for that. I missed the firing on the video camera, naturally. We will have many more days here on this base to get it just right. We met all our friends at the field today too, but we are sad that Sally and William are moving away. They are leaving on Friday for Fort Bliss, in Texas. Maybe we will see them again, but it's doubtful since they are Army and we are Marine Corps. But you never know. . . . .Another great day in Fort Knox for weather, as well. Monday there was snow on the ground, and Tuesday it was 36 with snow flurries. A friend of mine that grew up here told me this state is "bi polar"; and I believe it! Tony is leaving for a class trip tomorrow and will be back Friday. I am going to spend the time getting ready for my mom to visit for the Holiday weekend and the Easter Bunny to come see us! So exciting that Madison is starting to get these things now ;-).
On another note, Look at Madison's Hairbows!!!!! My friend Kimberly made them and I bought them from her before we moved. Madison finally kept them in. I caught her in the act of trying to take them out. I think that was the difference. Making her stop while in the act. They stayed in until I removed them before night night's!
Enjoy the pics