On Saturday Madison was invited to Chuck E. Cheese's for her friend Parker's 2nd B-day. It was a big deal since it was Madison's first time to C.E.C's. Tony and I got lots of pictures and it seemed that Madison had a good time. She rode on the Bob the Builder ride, the Carousel, and a Barney Train thing. I got to play ski ball and Tony played some pin ball! We were pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. We were happy to be invited; thanks Parker!
Saturday night we decorated Easter Eggs at our house! I set the table up and we made sure to let Madison get in on the action. I had to help a little bit! I boiled 2 dozen eggs and only 3 cracked but we dyed them anyway. I hope Tony likes deviled eggs since he is the only one here that eats them LOL!! We had fun with Madison and she liked trying to eat the stickers; we liked putting them on her =). The Easter Bunny came the next morning and brought her a cute pink basket with a Tu-Tu wrapped around it that is detachable for future dress-up play. Inside the basket was a Disney Movie" The Aristocats", Pooh Bear Bubbles, her cute Purple Easter Dress with Bonnet, A peg stacker, a very sweet card, some white bunny ears to wear and some yellow bunny peeps! I would say the Easter Bunny was very good to her and he will be a big hit next year. We then went to Easter Service and to brunch afterward. This Mom liked that because I got to eat a variety of foods and it didn't create any work for me! It was so much food though and I ate too much. It made me so sleepy so when Madison took her nap I did too! Just before I put Madison down for the night we had an Egg hunt in the Living Room; she was ready for bed after that. I think she was just as tired as we are!
It has been busy and I am looking for a little down time. We are going to have a yardsale in the middle of April so I am preparing for that -no rest for the weary. . . .
I will update again soon!