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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Louisville Zoo~FINALLY and Dr. Seuss

We tried to go to the zoo last weekend but it was cold and rainy, typical Kentucky weather.....So when we woke up today and had beautiful weather; we decided to get out the house for the day. Tony has just finished a mid term, so he was ready to blow off some steam. We took Madison to the Zoo after she woke up from her nap. She said zoooooo? I said, "where the lions live" and she said "RAAAARRRR!" I said, "yes and the elephants" and she said, "effunts." I told her about the "graffs" and Monkeys-It was so cute and she was ready to go! Our Cajun friends, the Lopez's, came along and made the trip even better. Tony is classmates with Jason and I have been hanging out with Nicole (ALOT Lately ;-) ), they brought their youngest daughter and son, Gracie and Jack Jack, with them. The kids had a good time, looking at all the animals, stretching their legs and playing! We got some great pictures. Check out the one of the rattlesnake ~it was yawning and I caught it with it's mouth wide open (I never knew a snake yawned?). Madison had the best time walking back to the car~she thought she was a big girl not being strapped down in a stroller....It was awesome; the day was spent with no rain, no wind, and no snow..... I was totally surprised to look in the back seat and see her still awake when we pulled into our driveway. She didn't put up one fuss when I put her down
for Nigh Nigh's though. I am pooped too, but it was a great day!

On Thursday, the library on base had a Dr. Seuss Magic Show and story hour. I took Madison knowing full well we would not make it the whole two hours. My friend Suzie brought her son Nate and she realized before hand that she too would not be there for the finale` either. Nate is about 5 months younger than Madi but they play together very well. Our freinds William and Miss Sally were present but she too had to ditch out early.....It was a good try and Madi did look adorable with her Cat in the Hat head band on.....The Story teller was very animated but it was not enough to hold her attention. We heard him read the Cat in the Hat and perform two magic tricks both of which were not impressive to a 21 month old. She kept talking during his commentary and I decided she had had enough. We did not go into this event blindly; we asked what age group it was meant to be for. The librarian was reassuring that it was open to all.....all that can sit still and be quiet when told to....not our kids ;-). No harm no fowl; it was free! I just wanted to add some pics from that fun time as well.