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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello everyone, I hope you are eating turkey and spending time with those you love. We are getting the chance to have dinner with a couple of friends that we had Thanksgiving Dinner with about 4 years ago. Only this year we have grown, from just 4 adults to a large crowd with kids! It was a fun day but many naps were skipped and sleep was needed. We are so Thankful to have great friends that open their hearts and homes to us. We are going to miss The Rummler's, AGAIN! This year we also got to spend the holiday with Jane and Peachy Benz. Tony used to work for Jane's husband at TTECG and he is in Iraq until Spring time. We missed you Dan and Godspeed; Stay Safe! The Benz's will also be missed when we leave. Peachy and Madison loved to do "lunch" together (as well as their Mommies=( ). . . .hopefully we will see everyone again in the future. Today was about spending time with good people and watching our children play. The Princesses decided to parade around but one of the gowns was dragging the floor so we had to switch over to the Petti-skirt and that was just right. Gonna have to find us one of those somewhere! After a little while the handsome astronaut showed up to take the Princesses on a date. Madi got into the toilet tissue (a few times). . . We know you did it; we can see it behind you.
I am so Thankful for the two of you!

Tony and I have been super busy trying to tie up all our loose ends here in CA. We had to change our date for leaving to Friday now because they pushed the packing back one day. I wanted to post some pictures of the baby from the last few weeks of happenings. We have managed to have a little fun while tackling the daunting task of preparing to move! Tony and I are so excited to be spending time with our families for the holiday's this year. I know everyone is going to love getting to know Madison better, and she will love all the attention. Love and miss you all and wish you all the best for Thanksgiving!