Some wonderful ladies from Tony's old unit, 1st Tanks, threw a shower for Madison about a week ago. Madison has some beautiful clothes to wear now and of course some very cute baby things that I can't stop looking at in her room. She is already spoiled and I am most grateful for their generosity. It's all coming together. A dear friend is throwing a shower for us on May 20th, I am looking forward to seeing everyone that can attend. She is going to video tape it and send it to my mom, who sadly can't make it, so she can be as much apart of the experience.
Tony has been helping me but he is back to work these days. We are going to try and get some work done in the babies room this weekend during his off time. I will take it easy and listen to my body. I have cut back on lots of things because I was swelling really badly. I am also watching my sodium intake very closely. Living in the desert is a challenge, due to dehydration and the heat will make you swell pretty easily. But, I am taking all the necessary precautions. I won't let mother nature interfere with me being a mom!
Well until I grow more or until something exciting happens I will say keep in touch and we will too!
Love and miss everyone,
Erin and Madison
You look so cute with your big belly. Can't wait to see that baby. It's exciting, huh!!!!
Luv a girl.... Nance
You look so cute with your preggo belly. I hope I look that cute when I get pregnant. I can't wait to see pics of Madison's room. I bet it is looking so good. I'm so glad to hear that everything is going good with you and baby. Much Love and take care.
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