Dear Family and Friends,
While I am overjoyed at becoming a mommy July 3rd @ 8:20am, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our daughter was delivered via an emergency C-Section and then rushed to another hospital 3 hours from our house. Her heartbeat dropped suddenly from 150 bpm to the low 70's in about 20 minutes. The doctor's are not sure what caused this reaction but they wanted to give her the very best treatment possible. So, they flew her to the NICU at Naval Hospital Balboa, near San Diego. I, having just had major surgery, was unable to go and be with her. I was just released from the hospital here and Tony and I are on our way to be with her now. She is doing better with her breathing already but only time will tell if there is any other reasons for concern. The Dr.'s want to keep her for observation so they can rule out any neurological problems that would have caused this kind of reaction. I would just like to ask that everyone pray for our daughter that she will recover quickly and be even stronger so she can come home with us. I have yet to even hold her in my arms nor have I even seen her for more than a few minutes. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that God will heal her tiny body.

I don't know when I will the chance to write again, but I will update as frequently as possible.
Erin and Tony Davis
Erin and Tony,
She is beautiful. Our prayers are with you all. We miss you so much and cannot wait to see more pictures of your little girl. Don't worry, she will be in your arms soon.
Our love to you all,
The Stormant Family
I think she is precious, Take care
and hope to see her soon when you come to Georgia. I know you and Tony will make great parents. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Peggy Johnson
your Mom's friend and neighbor
Erin & Tony,
My heart goes out to you right now. I can't imagine how hard this is. I am praying for you all. Everyone at SEFL is praying for you and baby Madison as well. Be strong and I hope you all get to go home as a family soon! I love you Girl!
Erin & Tony,
I will pray for healing for Madison and for strength and peace for you as you start your new life as a Family.
Madison is so pink and pretty!
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