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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas Presents All for Madison!

As you can see we had a very fun Christmas! Madison joining our family was a really special event for 2007. It was so exciting to see her delighted face for her presents. I know that this will only get richer with joy as she grows and gets wild for Santa Claus coming to see her! Thanks to everyone that sent cards, money, and presents, even though she didn't understand what Christmas was about, your generosity helped, Tony and I, to spoil her for her First Christmas!

God Bless; Best Wishes for 2008 and enjoy the slide show.

**If you scroll over the other slides with music you can turn them off by clicking on the speaker on left corner of the slide.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Such nice pictures Erin! It looks like Madison had a wonderful Christmas. Isn't it fun to spoil her?