Birthday Ticker


Monday, July 14, 2008

Sesame Street

Sunny Day, Chasing the Clouds away, Okay well I know it's been a week since we saw this but I wanted to post it anyways. I took Madison to see Sesame Street on the base. It was a free USO preformance. The characters came out and talked about feelings that are related to missing your parents. It was really wonderful for our kids to hear from their favorite Character about something so personal for our families! Of course, Madison hasn't had to miss her Daddy for a deployment or long trip nor did she understand what was going on. We don't watch Elmo yet, we are into another channel of educational shows. She didn't seem to be upset with them, I did take her down to the stage to see them up close but we were too close to the speaker to hang around long. I also didn't get any great pics because my camera will only do one special function at a time. So I could adjust for the light but not the movement. Those little boogers wouldn't stay still long enough for my camera to focus without blurring them and making streaks. So the pictures you see are basically the best of the blurred ones. I know I am silly we have had our camera for almost 3 years and I still don't know how to use it. Tony would have been a big help with the camera but he wasn't feeling well and decided not to come. Okay well I have to post the Birthday Party, so that's it for this post. ..

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