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Saturday, February 13, 2010

I don't believe it??? We got snow in NC!

So, we kept hearing yesterday that we would get snow late last night. The problem was we had been told this same forecast so many times. At 6pm it was only 44 degrees; so even if it did snow, as predicted, it wouldn't stick.....what a bummer this would be!

We put Madi to bed at 9pm and she was super tired, because she didn't take her nap. Then about 9:30pm or so, we got some flurries. We didn't wake her up to see it and I prayed there would be some in the morning for her.

Tony and I decided to go out and get some pictures of it last night just in case. He stayed up playing video games and there were many times I heard the door open and shut last night. Just like a little kid he couldn't stay indoors when the white stuff is falling from the sky!

When Madison woke up it was white everywhere. She wanted to go out in it at 6:45am...NO WAY!!! I had to convince her to wait for "Dad" (that's what she calls him now) to wake up and go with us. She wasn't listening at first, and showed up with her rain boots on. Next, she took Tony a pair of her rain boots to try and motivate him to get up earlier, so funny! Silly girl, nothing gets him up early!!!!

Dad finally got up and we all went out and played for about 20 minutes. I tried to talk Tony into going to Toys'R'Us to buy her a sled but the answer was a big emphatic, "NO".

So, we let her play on his snowboard. Not ideal, but it did do the job!

Treehugger sled...aka redneck sled

She really liked eating the snow.

Bailey enjoys the snow too! Everytime we got dressed up to play in it; she would get up and prepare for her leash ~Haha. Now, I just need to talk Rosie into going out with us next time :D

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and since he and I celebrated last weekend; we are going to make it all about her. Tony is going to give her a Princess Castle and we will take her some where fun. She is going to flip out when she see's the castle, it's all she's been talking about! Keep us all in your prayers this week. Tony is leaving for his year in Afghanistan. We will miss him dearly. I am doing as well as can be expected in the situation and Madison is fine. We keep telling her Daddy has to go on a big bye bye and we will talk to him on the phone. Tony is torn up about missing a year of her life, but it's what he does to provide for us (in so many ways)!

Keep in touch and as soon as I hear from him I will let you know! If you want to "follow" this blog scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the link.
Take Care everyone!