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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween Pics~my pink poodle puppy!

I have always loved animals, puppies to be more exact! So this year it's no surprise that Madi would be a Pink Poodle Puppy for Halloween. My dreams came true, I got to hold and pet my daughter/puppy this year! We took our pumpkins over to the Douglas's House and then Madi played with Peyton. They ran around the driveway a million and one times; I was sure she would be a sleep before Trick-or-treating! We went onto base after the older kids carved the pumpkins . We walked the neighborhood with the Rummler's. I didn't get an photos of them because my camera battery died =(. Stacy got some of them kids in their costume though. I felt really bad too about her costume being so warm, it was 89 degrees for Halloween night. I know we live in the desert but it is usually really cold here on Oct. 31st. We came home and Madi still didn't want to let go of her Halloween Pumpkin and candy!

Isn't she the cutest Pink Poodle you have ever seen?

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