Birthday Ticker


Saturday, December 20, 2008

OK, AR, to TN

On our 4th day in the car we left from Shawnee, OK. The weather was cold, windy and the rain was a light drizzle. We stayed at another La Quinta Inn and this one had a duck pond in the back. Madison is enamoured with "Cack Cacks". We had to get a picture in front of the pond and laugh at them swimming in the cold, windy and rainy morning. After that we were in for another 6 hour day in the car. So far so good with Little Munch, but we knew our time was running out for good behavior!

We hit Arkansas pretty early and Miss Madi had to have a snack. Tony thought chocolate cookies would be good to give her. As you can see she enjoyed them emensely. . . .Gas Prices continued to fall now that we were getting closer to the East Coast. The Weather did clear up finally~until we hit Mississippi/Tennessee it began to rain. We dropped off the poor kitty at the La Quinta Inn in Memphis and then went to dinner. Where else are we going to eat? A PF Chang's! I love it!

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